
Harmony College Northwest 2025

This is our 45th Anniversary year!  Lemon Squeezy from Sweden will be on campus for the weekend as our headliners along with some new and also familiar faculty.  

EARLY WORKSHOPS:  If you paid to attend one of our workshops, you will find them available to pick in SCHED this year. The workshops will start on Thursday at 1:00pm: Directors Workshop with Don Campbell, HCNW Harmony Platoon with Greg Verhappen, and three levels of Arrangers Workshops (101, 201, 301) with Janice Wheeler, Zach Groeblinghoff, Mike Menefee, and Chuck Roegiers. 

CLASS LENGTHS:  Classes, this year, are 60 minutes long with 15-minute breaks in between for walking and talking. Some classes require more time and they are listed as two classes (part 1 and part 2), make sure to sign up for both sections in SCHED.
CARE OF THE AGING VOICE Is a special 2-part series taught by Dr. Don Campbell which is being offered TWICE during the weekend; Friday (Sessions 2 & 3) and Saturday (Sessions 9 & 10)
GROWING CHAPTERS  This year, we're offering a wide variety of classes full of ways that we can continue to revive and grow our chapters. Each of the classes is being planned to include some questions/answers time.


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