An interactive look at the uniqueness of being a leader of a non-profit organization in today’s society and how leadership influences the organizational structure.
Over 50 programs that help develop your leadership skills, help get to know your members better and plan for the future - Chapter Board Tasks and Objectives, Getting the Most from Members, Adding Artistry to Your Performance, Inclusiveness in Today’s Society, Effective Communications, Goal Setting, and much more.
Master Director of Gateway Chorus, Approved Visual Communication Judge, and International Faculty Lisa Greenough has been a member of Sweet Adelines International since 1989; a member of Region 26 since 1992; and a Regional Education Faculty Member since 2003, and is the current Region... Read More →
This class is also offered in Session 10. We will be learning and singing easy to moderate tags -- while focusing on harmonizing to a melody. Singers will learn how tag singing can inspire better singing.