Friday June 13, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
This class is also offered in Session 6.
We talk about trying to "connect with the audience" from the stage but what does that really mean? You know it when you feel it yet it's hard to describe what's actually happening in that magical moment. I'd like to do a short recap of the history of music and performance from the beginning of culture through the lens of how it has shaped the way we connect as humans. Then, I'd go into the research that's been done by western science and thousands of years of religious traditions from various cultures that have all shown the benefits of singing together and how to amplify its power with breathing, movement, meditation and playful exercises (drama games!). We'll spend time trying out these techniques to feel the difference in performing before and after and realize the awareness and practices we can use to make a powerful performance can also help us grow as individuals and build deeper connections with each other.
Friday June 13, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

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