Friday June 13, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
This class is also offered in Session 7
There are a thousand things you can do with a song; come learn the critical things you have to do in order for the song to be barbershop. If you don’t use these five, you cannot succeed in singing barbershop. We will also explore a second Ah Hah and trap -- just because a chart is written in the barbershop style, it doesn’t mean that you are singing it in the barbershop style. This class will help you understand what barbershop is, and how to use your new understanding of the barbershop style to move from being a "notes and words" singer to a singer who gives the barbershop song its due. This class is for everyone from novices to experts.
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Raymond Schwarzkopf

Singer? Teacher? Quartet Guy? Coach? Music Judge? Admitted Computer Geek? Director? and FRIEND! Raymond Schwarzkopf is all of these...and more. His many years in theater, music (both vocal and instrumental), business, and teaching have made him a valuable asset for every group with... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

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