Saturday June 14, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am PDT
 A Path to Real Improvement: It's always great to learn new techniques to improve yourself, your quartet or your chorus, but wouldn't it be great if a series of techniques were connected together to create a long term path to improvement?  Well, now that is a reality with the long term path to improvement approach.  We will cover culture (group and individual), highly effective music learning techniques that you've likely never seen before, stage fright, musicality, all of performance in one simple concept, vocal techniques and more!  This is a series of multiple week long classes condensed down and connected together to give you that previously allusive path to real and sustainable improvement.  Individuals and full or partial quartets and choruses are welcome.
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Paul Ellinger

Faculty, Coach
Paul is a multifaceted presenter. In his 9 years on faculty at HU, he has taught/coached singing, music, performance, directing concepts and chapter growth. In one session with Paul you will get to see first hand his passion for helping others and his ability to address enormously... Read More →
Saturday June 14, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am PDT

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