About me
Dr. Don Campbell is Professor Emeritus of Music and former Director of Choral Activities at Southern Wesleyan University in Central, South Carolina. As a guest conductor and clinician he has been to seventeen states, Canada, Scotland, The Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, and Australia. In addition to teaching at SWU, he conducts the Chorale of the Greater Anderson Musical Arts Consortium, a group of 70 singers with professional orchestra. Don has been a barbershopper since 1979 and been on the faculty of Harmony University for 26 years—ten of those years as the dean of the Directors College. At HU, he has taught all Conducting Techniques, Vocal Techniques, Vocal Pedagogy, Warmup Techniques, Choral Methods, Music Theory, and the Music Educators Track. He has directed three barbershop choruses: the Hanford [California] Kingsmen Chorus (FWD Small Chorus Champions), the Mighty Oak Chorus [California] (founding director) and the Palmetto Statesmen Chorus in South Carolina.He is among those featured in the BHS book Visions of Excellence: A Dialog with the Finest Directors from the Barbershop Harmony Society. Don about Barbershop: “Throughout my career, I have performed music of all genres—from the classic styles of the Middle Ages to the 21st century, as well as pop, spirituals, gospel, world music, and jazz. Barbershop has taught me to put heart into all the music I do.” I love to talk to anyone about all things regarding conducting!"