About me
As a barbershop brat, thanks to my grandpa (Ron Johnson), I’ve loved the hobby since I was 10 years old. I’ve attended more shows, conventions, afterglows, glimmers, and tag parties than I can count and don’t think I’ll ever get enough! I sang in Sweet Adeline groups from the time I was 10 years old with the Parkrosettes and Willamette Sound, then onto join TuneTown Show Chorus in Nashville for 3 years and back with Pride of Portland since 2016. Seven different quartet experiences along the way as well! More recently, along with my wonderful husband, Rob Roman, I was among the co-founders of the Portland, OR chapter and PDX Voices chorus. In my official BHS capacities, I’m a part of the EVG District Events Team, past President of the Portland Oregon chapter (PDX Voices; Vocal Summit), lead section leader with PDX Voices, and lead of Mugshot quartet. •••••••••• In all my barber-journeys, I’ve discovered a passion for creating authentic connections between an ensemble and their audience, discovering the storyline, and finding the best voice within each person regardless of their experience. While I’ve been around the block a few times and understand at my core when something works and when it doesn’t, I may not readily know all the science and biology behind how something works (or doesn’t) or all the nitty gritty music theory. What I CAN promise you is this: finding the artistry and connection within yourself/your ensemble, and bringing that flush with strong musical foundations as we look to share the beautiful gift of barbershop harmony in our communities and beyond. •••••••••• Feel free to ask me anything and, if I can’t help you? I’ll help find someone who can!