About me
We do not want to impress our audience, but rather we want them to connect and engage with us and our music. Scott will guide you through the process that will help you achieve this goal by adding more depth, definition, and connection to your music and performance. He can also assist you in improving the level of ensemble sound in your group's singing. In each of these areas, Scott will not give you instructions, but will give you principles and references that you can apply to the development of all of your songs.
He has recently returned to the Evergreen District coaching scene and the HCNW coaching staff and is currently coaching the Norhtwest Sound and Northwest Mix choruses. He has coached a number of Evergreen District Quartets, which include The Most Happy Fellows, Flipside, 4.0, Quadraphonics, Vocal Magic, Flashpoint, Critics Choice, Seattle Sound, Vocal Attraction, Easy Street, and Northwest Spirit. OK, if you don't recognize these groups, then you are a newbie!